Career Development
Career Development Programs prepare youth for success in their first jobs and help them develop a plan to achieve their chosen careers.
OJP Mentoring
The OJP program mentors at risk youth by providing them with a successful, caring, consistent mentor who is there to provide support and encouragement while attending the Boys & Girls Clubs of El Paso with various programs such as Evidence-based program – Positive Action. This curriculum empowers greatness by teaching positive actions in the physical, intellectual, social and emotional areas in a fun and easy way to improve:
- Academics
- Behavior
- College & career readiness
- Mental & physical health
- Social-Emotional learning
junior staff
Junior Staff is an easy-to-use program for Club teens ages 13 to 18. This program provides Club staff and volunteers with tools to guide young people in preparing for a career in Boys & Girls Clubs and/or other service professions. Through participation in Junior Staff, teens develop interpersonal skills, a strong work ethic and a sense of community engagement while experiencing on-the-job Club work.
career launch
CareerLaunch encourages Club members ages 13 to 18 to assess their skills and interests, explore careers, make sound educational decisions and prepare to join our nation’s work force. Club staff or volunteers help teens build their job-search skills and job readiness by using the CareerLaunch Facilitator Guide and working with teens individually or in small groups. The CareerLaunch page provides Club teens, staff and volunteers with online career exploration, college and job search information and interactive activities. Mentoring, job shadowing and training opportunities round out the program.